Why Klear Impakt?

These days who you choose as a practice partner is more important than ever. Which is why our member experience offers a solution-based approach to practice growth. Klear Impakt was founded by Dentists for Dentists, on the belief that we are stronger as a whole than as individuals. In today’s quickly changing and competitive marketplace, it is important to maintain a competitive edge when it comes to business solutions, practice management and professional development. Klear Impakt offers a variety of resources helping members keep focused on the patient experience while maintaining efficient practice management and operations. To learn more about Klear Impakt and how it can help your practice, submit an interest form on the home page. We look forward to hearing from you.We invite you to explore the Klear Impakt solution.





Our Vision:

Klear Impakt helps dental practices excel in business while allowing them to grow as leaders in the industry and within their community. We empower and inspire through collaboration, supportive tools and first-class education all the while, keeping our private practices strong and independent.

The Core Values:

  • We believe that our members deserve fair, honest, sincere, and competent representation that seeks to educate and provide them with all best practices related to their independent businesses.
  • We believe in exceptional, professional, and consistent service that is flexible enough to accommodate each practice’s unique needs.
  • We believe that it is both possible and desirable to aim at the ongoing growth of our community and our individual practices while maintaining an unwavering commitment to quality.
  • We believe that exceptional care requires us to remain on the cutting edge of new technologies, programs, services and opportunities in the field of dental healthcare.
  • We believe in the importance of effective and transparent communication in every area of our business.

Pricing Advantage – Supply Discounts

Our Suppliers

Huge Discounts From:

Dental providers/practitioners have long been trying to find ways to save money on the dental supplies/equipment​ ​they purchase most. The reality is, pricing is very fragmented and dentists do not receive uniform pricing across the industry. Klear Impakt offers a simple solution of leveraging the buying power of independently-owned dental practices with today’s elite suppliers.

Modernize Your Practice – Business Solutions

Our Partners

Klear Impakt business solutions help members implement best-in-class solutions for operational excellence, practice efficiency and pay-it-forward management. Our deep portfolio of business solutions addresses a range of member needs.

Klear Impakt Business Solutions

  • Business/Practice Efficiency
  • Office Training
  • Financing
  • Credit Card Processing
  • Human Resources Training
  • Practice Management
  • Education


I have been with Klearimpakt for a couple of years now, they are continuously adding new services to there already impressive savings on supplies. The additional services show that this is a group who really has my best interest in mind. Thanks for making my patients experience better and saving me money.

JA – Dentist in Illinois

It’s a no brainer, sign up and start savings on supplies. I thought there had to be a catch, but there isn’t. This is the first I have seen of like-minded independent dentist saving money just like the big guys.

EK – Dentist in Kentucky

It is nice to know that independent dentists can compete with large Corporate offices on buying dental supplies. It makes me proud to be a part of KlearImpakt, they have my back.

DH – Dentist in Florida

Join Klear Impakt



Thank you for you for joining Klear Impakt. Please fill-out the sign-up form completely. A Klear Impakt Representative will be in contact within a two-week period to confirm proper sign-up and accounts. Thank you for your time. Please Note: Information submitted on this form is for Klear Impakt purpose only. This information will not be sold or distributed to any third parties.

Contact Klear Impakt

Thank you for you for joining Klear Impakt. Please fill-out the sign-up form completely. A Klear Impakt Representative will be in contact within a two-week period to confirm proper sign-up and accounts. Thank you for your time. Please Note: Information submitted on this form is for Klear Impakt purpose only. This information will not be sold or distributed to any third parties.